Friday, March 5, 2010

Swim team

At a meet with Kirsten's family

After a race.

This year I started swimming again and swam for Mountain View High School. I love swimming but hate how much time it takes. I use to swim for HAST and so going back wasn't to bad knowing how to swim already. Kirsten and her family ended up coming and watching me swim. I swam the 50 free and 100 breast for the most part. I have always been good at the breast stroke and loved swimming it. We had a pretty good team. We only lost to Orem in our Region. The other teams are all 5A schools that are the 5A state champs like Lone Peak and American Fork so they didn't really count. It was just a great experience to get back in shape.

Ballroom tour 2009

At the temple.

At the beach.

In Las Vegas.

At the wax place in Las Vegas.

On the stupid bus.

In December I went with my ballroom team and we went on tour. The first day we went down to Las Vegas and did a show at a studio. On day 2 we went back to the studio and took lessons. After that we went to the strip and ate lunch and played around for a little bit. After that we drove down to San Diago. The next day we went to a studio and took different types of dance classes and went to the beach and to I nice place for dinner. For dinner I had Mako Shark it was so good! The next day we went to Sea World and had a lot of fun. The next morning we went to the San Diago Temple and then drove home. That was a long drive and we got home about one in the morning but had a great time.

Disney on Ice.

As a family we all went to see Disney on ice. It was so much fun. We all love Disney so much. In a week or so we are going again to see Disney on ice. We decided that before I go on my mission we are going to have a huge Disney party. I am so excited!

Emily's Baptism

At the mall.


Everyone after the baptism.

Mom and Emily.

Emily and I.

In November Emily got baptised so Opa and I flew out for the weekend. It was so much fun to see all my sisters again and to see Emily become a member of the church. I gave a talk on baptism and everyone really liked it. In one year now Scott and Sabrina will both be made members of the church.

Sweethearts 2010

Katherine and I.

Sherri and Danny.

Shinano and his date.

The group.

Katherine and I again.

A few weeks ago I went to the sweethearts dance at school. For dinner we came over and Heidi made us a really nice dinner. Everyone loved it. We had a lot of fun at the dance being crazy. I love going to the dances they are so much fun.